— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Disclaimer - medical history, laughter is not worth looking for there.
Drawing bikes in the ordinary is an eternal tradition, in any country in any language.
My bike to colleagues seemed incredibly exotic - there was snow and it was cold.
Lots of snow and very cold.
The winter turned out to be unusually harsh - my city clothes did not heat up, the towel with Scora was much more useful.
It was worse in the hospital - it was very cold, I barelyined my intensive care room in the heat, thanks to the relatives of the patients - brought the calories, the electrician stumbled and the traffic jams stopped flying.
But here's the story - a challenge to an acute stomach, seriously - rural nonsense does not cause.
Toulouse and in Wasik.
We’re going—precisely, we’re breaking through the snow, the grandmother lives in a remote huthor.
Sasha, the driver-Mishka, we will not go any further, we will get stuck.Huttor-the magician straight, I can already see him from the hill.
Sasha is waiting for help. He nodded his head...
A short oath to the drivers of the rural Emergency, know everything and everyone, with the technique on you, all the locks in the area, will pass through any road, help the field sheriff or doctor, carry heavy on the bearings.
In short – if such an ass is not taken – so it is.
Sasha, what are the suggestions?
Taki came up with a solution - he raised the locals, brought the horse and the sanity, the local guy came to the car.
Sasha, Sasha is serious?
One way out, this doctor-this san. Go, Misha, with God, I’ll be waiting for you here.
I come out of Wazik - I fall on my shoulders in the snow - it was slightly, Sasha was right - they't have gone by, they would have stuck exactly.
The Eedem horse walks slowly, reluctantly, coldly, and the legs are hanging.
It’s cold and I feel pain in the teeth, silence.Only the snow and the strange shaking sound can sometimes be heard.
We arrived, I entered the house - there is warm, in one half - the ground floor, on it the seed and some animals.
In the second half, the hostess of the Hunter, woe to her.
The eyes shine and fall, the nose is sharpened, the lips are dry – not good, however.
What happened? the stomach hurts.
Long time?
What a time.
Time a local measure of time, from 2 hours to 20 years, she did not answer me clearly.
Is it a week? Somewhere a week.
I look like a board. And do not touch - it hurts.Symptoms are not good, peritonitis.
Come on, grandmother, get together.
I can't wait for the neighbor, I can't leave them - they are frozen in a day, very small.
Oh, calves, pigs, lambs, that’s what she suffered at home for a week.
I send the sanitarian to the neighbor, half an hour later, after the terrible oath of the neighbor to not destroy the animal - I plant the sick in the sanitarian and back to Wazik. Back the horse goes more fun, up to the rise falls - she is the sweetest in the world, I understand her well...
We get overloaded in the car, Sasha doesn't easily roll out on the bulk - here is the hospital, I take off my body, a surgeon goes to the operating room, I bring in anesthesia, we open- эх, grandmother, what you did...
In the belly-green garden, appendicitis exploded in a nuclear, rumbling peritonitis.
And what do you think?
She has survived!! A couple of days in my intensive care room - I slept behind the wall, watched, a couple of weeks in the department and - home.
Your great deeds, plus the harshness of the countryside, we saved her.
And the trembling sound – the ampules crashed, small, in my bag.
All of Health!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna