— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the plane.
It was in the USSR. We were sent on a business trip to Alma-Atou.The main group from Novosib went out by car, because of the There was no room in my car, I flew on the plane three days later, and they were supposed to meet me there. Here I fly. Young was still, stupid, did not take money with him, and the type of naher - all the business with the boss, we are fully satisfied. I fly slightly, and the capital of Kazakhstan does not take, fog, plant us in Frunze (Bishkek), take us to a closed arrival zone and type you can rest - an hour, two, ten, because when the fog blows up there. And if anyone does not know, there is a distance from Bishkek to Alma-Ata 200km, and the buses went in an hour, the price of 5 rubles, three hours and you are home, and the whole flight turned out to have this information. Therefore, the people began to crack on the employees of Aeroflot, like, just let us go, we will come. What the employees of Aeroflot answered intelligently: we will release you, only all at once, because if at least one Gondon remains, because of it, the plane to Alma-Ata will have to go. Everyone Agree? No one is against! This gondon was me, because there was no money for the bus, no phone call, how could I get to my own? The people have stumbled, but twenty minutes later twenty boilers are repeated - but one against, the fox, the creature, the monkey... I sit with the mouth of the rabbit, the people roar, and it was not easy to walk out of foot with the people in the vast Soviet Motherland.
And here a woman sits down to me and lovingly asks:
Boy, what is it about? Do you have money for the bus?
I shamefully shrugged my head. She grabbed my hood and cried out to the whole room:
People who can, the student has no money for a ticket!
It was shameful. Five minutes later, the doors of our air force opened and the people ran to the buses. I looked into the hat and looked, there was 70 rubles. As a result, everyone, like people, went on a bus, and one small paddle on a taxi, even a cognac was left!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna