— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was during the first MMM. My friend, Zhenya E. was engaged in imports and at the same time invested free money in Mavrodi tickets. When the first time prices dropped by 10 percent, I sold all my tickets, and Zhenya didn’t. Then they grew up again, but a week later the pyramid ended and all the papers turned into fantasy.

And here we go with Zhenya in the car, in a suitcase of shares and tickets, which yesterday was worth two hundred thousand dollars, and today is nothing. I look at him and I can’t even imagine how he can accept it and survive it. And Zhenya stopped the car, took that suitcase and threw it off the side with the words: "Let them go on the X., I will still earn."

and all. I never thought of it again. and earned.

What to say, the self-confidence of a man was overwhelming. and optimism.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna