— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I come to the administration of the service of the city radio, which serves radio points in the apartments (if anyone has forgotten, radio rosettes for subscriber speakers on the walls). I spoke to a young, inexperienced employee, who stumbled, became nervous, called the boss. Dialogue with the Boss:
“Hi, I want to be turned off, I don’t use it and I don’t want to pay for it every month.
How do you not use?
- A century of unlimited internet, any news at hand, thousands of video and audio channels, why do I have a whistle in the wall, on which only advertising funds from hemorrhoids, the weather for yesterday and private ads, free newspapers with which the mailbox is constantly clogged.
And there’s a penny for it.
In principle, I don’t want to pay for what I don’t use. For 35 rubles a month, this is about 400 a year, if for you this is a penny, then this apartment I am going to rent for three years, put here 1200 and I will not bother you these three years.
- Yes on you, go away from here, got it (1200 on the table)
Okay, all the good.
Well, you’ll still be, just now you’ll be connected to the hole!! to
Well, if you want to be sure I won’t connect, cut off the point and that’s all.
Let’s cut it off, we’ll cut it off principally.
I go out of the office, putting these 1200 in my hands and I think it could have been so from the beginning and without money...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna