— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Your worried mother is worried. She can no longer put on your wool socks in the cold, go to school to break your problems with teachers, meet you late in the evening at the subway, so that you can safely get home from a long birthday. But she worries for you not less, and even more than before, when she could have influenced at least something in your life. Are you old enough to forgive your mother for her worries, for wanting you to be well, and to understand that it’s all because she loves you so much?

You know, so you can offer to understand and forgive a person who suffers from jealousy, for example. "Because he loves it" Then he will go and kill. Excessively anxious people need to work on themselves, and not eat their brain with a teaspoon. It is not love, but possession and extreme disrespect, when one adult considers another adult person partially incapable, but make yourself a smart man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna