— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and lying. Mom soon to retire, of course, for the grandmother we have been caring for a long time now, and not the grandmother for any of us, but the confidence in his non-earthly greatness and the right to all indicate this grandmother did not lose a drop. And my mother will not learn to report to her as a second-class girl, although everyone has only problems from this (including the grandmother, who adds to any received information Something Terrible Happened, and is taken to be fun to shake the nerves of themselves and others).
So don’t listen, it’s absolutely unclear who helps whom and whether it helps at all. You are not respected because you have not formulated the correct analogue of the formula, and this is MY business, and you allow parents to go where they absolutely do not need it. They have already raised their own children.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna