— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently saw the Big Cat Scare.
There are two cats and a cat at home. There was no day — idylly: I sleep, cats sleep, the cat has found the perfect place — my black wool dress — and also sleeps. At some point, I wake up from the fact that there is a top of elephants in the apartment... How does a normal cat run? So far I go. A couple of times here and that’s it. Soon I can hear how I go-to-to-to-to-to! And it does not stop! I get out of bed: a chain of things lost by the child, socks, packaging from under the condom stretches down the floor from under the bed - in a word, a whistleblower. At some point, Tigdim-Tigdim is quiet, my mother in the neighboring room is roaring.
And now the puzzle: the cat slept on a dress and grabbed her neck to the rope, for which it clings to the hangover, and then got up and went on to his cat affairs. The dress (black, long) is behind her. The cat run - dress after her! The cat under the bed - the dress behind her, and then out of the bed, simultaneously pulling out everything that there was not waiting for the swab - and behind the poor scared cat! She, not knowing how to get away, runs around the apartment, the two stunned cats run after it, all have a wool of oatmeal, tails like oats... In general, the animal hit the couch from where it was pulled out and released from captivity. The dress wiped out the floor and went to laundry.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna