— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I needed the money, it was on my wife’s account. Further from her words:

I come to the gathering, I take the bill, I defend the line, I approach the window, I say - I want to take off 50 thousand. The ruble. The operator takes the documents, checks everything, says “good” and “hangs.” Just sit for one or two minutes. Waiting for something.

My wife: Is something wrong? Who are we waiting?

Operator: To remove more than 50 thousand requires confirmation of the second operator, and it is now busy.

My wife: But I’m making 50,000 and not more.

Operator: Anyway, starting with 50 thousand we have a ban program. Wait for the second operator, she is now signing a contract with the customer, will be released in five minutes. (Aha, she is... )

My wife: Okay Then I want to remove 49 thousand 999 rubles... So can I? ; )

The operator stumbles for a few seconds.

Operator: Yes I can. Do you have a ruble?

He gives my wife 50 thousand rubles, my wife gives him a ruble.

He came, told me, and was struck. I say then I should have added, "and now I want to take off another ruble."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna