— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ]
I work as a sysadmin in production. I have a Commercial Director (D).
In the weekend we plan to transfer everyone to a new mail server, the old is terribly dumb.
Call from D

D: We have everything bad in the Fed, the mail is shit.
I: Let us put it on Saturday and open it all new.
D: I need time.
I: Well okay, each of your employees will be fired for an hour because of the comp.
D is NO! They don’t write to me and don’t cheat. Do it at night.
I am OK...
Q: Why is it still not working?! to
I: Because I was asked at night...
D: I need to be happy!
I: So I bet on everyone?
D: They cannot be distracted.

I’m a carousel like this.)


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna