— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Missanthropic girl acquainted - a full guard. She went to law school and was horrified by the instructor. For me, it looks like the hell of a misanthrope - it's in a completely blocked car with a mating instructor and a stunned engine in the middle of the crossroads. In a beige shock.

What did you write? Shine through the letter “e”, shoes through the letter “e”. What are you easy? Listen to me, the lightweight. There are many words in Russian, there are many. When you compose them together, you get a proposal where there is a narrative, subject and other shadow. And all this is the great Russian language, Easy. Did you understand me?! to
That is true, Comrade Commander!
We have a great Russian language. In it stop the place name, speechable and subject, and an intonation will appear!“Our Masha cries bitterly,” or “Our Masha cries bitterly.” Do you understand?This is poetry, this is poetry, this is the poetry, this is the poetry, this is the poetry! And there are generally sentences in one word: “Mrosit”, “Dinner”, “Smelt”... Do you feel?
That is true, Comrade Commander!
You don’t feel fucking! When I read what you wrote, I’m itching in the most humble places! You can break the member right away until you get to the end of the paragraph! Who taught you?
In the school.
Show me, and I’ll break it like a hot tub.
I say in school.
Have I studied abroad?! to
If I were like that in school! Income is! I would...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna