— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The weekend. To the sister came girlfriends, about 14-15 years old, drowned the film of the pencil. This is hell: the girlfriend works as a maid, and the family is idyllic (mamapadeti, the elder bride, 5 years of relationship, etc.) and here the bride breaks her leg, leaves, the guy openly climbs to the girlfriend, cries about too perfect life, loses the girlfriend (from the force of a month of dating at the hat level), throws the bride on the day of engagement at the so-called evening, the girlfriend wins the first place in competitions on snowboard, heppin, ble. Well, okay teenagers, a brainless piece of hormones, they may lack experience, and they do not see in emphasis neither folly, neither betrayal, nor lies. But in the network on this shit with vanilla scent, only positive reviews! All of NRA! This is such a romance! Stop the earth, I will go down.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna