— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story happened to me a few years ago. In the apartment ended fireworks, the wife says go to the neighbors take. Well, I went out to the entrance knocking to the neighbor - his wife opens with a child in her arms. Please a lighthouse. He says go, say, take it to the kitchen. I go into the kitchen looking for flashbacks – in the upper closet behind the coffee bowl, he says, look. Well, okay - I find, take, relate to the wife that lights the confectionery, I bring back to the neighbor.

After a couple of months, I walk with this neighbor, drink, rest. I’m going to smoke on the balcony, but there’s no lighter. He begins to cramping in the kitchen looking for flashbacks, and then I say, “Well, they’re on the top shelf behind a cup of coffee!” I had never seen a worse look on myself...Blessedness explained everything...It seemed like it happened.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna