— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If one imagines that the universe will one day shrink and there will be another Big Bang (after which, in the first hundreds of thousands of years, protons and electrons will fly apart), is it possible that the primary recombination will form completely different chemicals?

If the next superstring theory explains where the world constants came from, it may become clear whether they could have emerged from the primary singularity somehow differently. The world around us puts us in front of facts. They are so much more astonishing than the other that the poison takes, but they are, they work, huge money grows from their understanding (the GPS system works on the general theory of relativity, and on quantum physics works 90% of our current everyday life). But the question is why TaaAak??? has no answers. Maybe when our mind fills the entire universe, it will find itself nose to nose with exactly the same mind in the outer universe, which will say, say, hello, finally you grew up, you are our one-cell. This would explain a lot, but it is not science, it is religion. Moreover, it should be noted, any world religion is automatically a distortion of THIS religious feelings, lowering such super-beings to the level of the grandfather on the cloud, who in general has to do with our colony of protoslim on the camel and to some bacterial justice between its individual cells.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna