— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tagged with: ollo
Why does friction heat everything instead of cooling it?
Why are the leaves yellow in autumn?
Why can’t we break the magnet in half to the north and south?
How to make it possible to pour water into the car but it was driving?
The nephew of Alisha. 5 years.
There is no time to learn physics and chemistry, but curiosity is crazy. In the vacuum.

Because you have to make an effort to drag. It becomes warm. Taking heat is more difficult than adding.
Because they were always yellow inside. Just there is a microscopic layer of green matter outside while they are alive. It easily breaks down.
Because if you break a pencil, the half will also have two ends. And if you break it to the stitches, it will not be a pencil at all, but not a pencil with one end.
Build a steam car (you will need coal). Throw it on a planet with a fluorine atmosphere, the water in the fluoride burns.

How is it called? The questions, answering which, the community itself is indirectly enriched with new experiences, which make you think and so on, I do not remember the exact quote.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna