— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Knowledgeful

If one imagines that the universe will one day shrink and there will be another Big Bang (after which, in the first hundreds of thousands of years, protons and electrons will fly apart), is it possible that the primary recombination will produce completely different chemicals? Not hydrogen and others, but quite others? And, for example, are there never substances from which life will arise? M is?

not known. Other chemicals will only exist if there are other laws of physics. However, even alternative basic physical constants, "world constant" are sufficient. A little on the side - and no chemical elements may form at all. Protons do not necessarily exist. The question of whether the ‘world constant’ is constant in the entire observed universe is not resolved. The question of why physical laws and constant ones are as they are is not resolved. And in general, you want to freeze - google "anthropic principle".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna