— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not accepting criticism of science is the same as not accepting criticism of religion is likewise fanatical.
YYY: You were concerned about science, let me give you all the butterfly abyss, as I do. Smari karoch - to criticize science is like to scratch into a pond of shit, because science is arranged in a fairly obvious way - some shit puts out a hypothesis that explains why the shit thrown on the fan is scattered by a wind, and not in one point, other guys start this hypothesis fucking fucking and humiliating in every way, oh, that is, to criticize when you get to criticize the words of the formula - the hypothesis goes nahuy or to the finishing, but usually nahuy.
But when it fails, it is necessary to build a shit-leader for oholyards of money, so as to propel the shit particles to the speed of light, in order to get the author and say that he is what, but sometimes this is not possible and such authors are eventually awarded a Nobel Prize.
Science is a criticism of everything in a row, it does not work otherwise, all the existing theories are still critically criticized, although he quite explain a large number of phenomena.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna