— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why did Georg Otz not sing “The Demon” in Kazan Opera?

There was a singer in our country, who was really loved by everyone:

and old and young, and whatever he sings (popular song, opera,

classics – everything was wonderful in this highest culture

The artist).

He went to the Kazan Opera to sing Rubinstein’s Demon. by V

The first act of this opera is on the scene "fight in heaven" for the soul of Tamara.

“She suffered and loved, and heaven had mercy on her.”

and Lermontov.

On the top of a rock stands, with his hands crossed, a black Demon (Georg Otis), and

On the top of another rock is an angel shining in white clothes and wings.

Everyone claims, “She will be mine,” the orchestra bounces, the passions boil, and

between the rocks flying little angels (their work scenes are

Start from different sides to ride on small wheels on the invisible.

Half the trousers.

Suddenly, an angel’s wheel jumped off. Others all

They fly, and this hangs still, and still under the corner. The spectators, of course,

They see and laugh. The brigadier of the workers, of course, began to lead

The rescue work. It could end safely when

The composer Rubinstein would not have written in his opera in this place.

for the whole orchestra a long general break is when suddenly

There is complete silence in the theater, no one plays or sings.

And in this sudden, sudden silence all

They hear the brigadier’s exhausting scream: “Who... are you looking there? Push him

A bowl in j.pu!“!”

Demon (George Otis) tears from his rock, went to change clothes and makeup.

He went to Tallinn. The opera was performed by a local singer.

Vladimir D.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna