— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It took my life to work "admin" on a call in one office, paid well, worked, trouble didn't know - more often than ZP once a month came and at a distance occasionally shaman, but at one "beautiful" moment general.dir (appropriate type) hired "executive director" in the office (my as a boss) and felt: every day, and after a day - this is such a problem, book is heated, here I have a super business idea - the site needs to...

And since the job was not the main one, I was quickly sent off with the end of my career in this company.

Half a year later the call (gen.dir of this company): - guy hello, we were all well in your work, we want to work like before and this fucking (approximately so it was said) no longer has the right to talk to you, if he has a problem and arises, then only through me.

I agreed and worked with them very successfully.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna