— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During pregnancy, she began to talk in her dreams. I learned this from my husband.
“And he recognized them to the touch,” I suddenly told him the first time, about the hour of the night.
to whom? Asked the defunct husband.
- Deputies, - and, saying this, with a sense of fulfillment of duty, grabbed, not knowing that in five hours I will wake up and be very surprised.
The second time I delighted him with the pearl "Where in the moon the clock is inserted? Shit it!”
- I don't want to be a pelican, take the geranium! - I cried in the middle of the night for the third time and I woke up from it myself. Until that day, I suspected that I was being followed...I believed.
“Gray, grey, grey, give me a colored mirror!” she demanded at the fourth, being already a month on the third.
What hell did you paint the cockroaches with my red lacquer? I think my nails are running away from me. He said hysterically nine days later.
Where are you doing swindle? I put my husband into an impasse a little later. He asked me for a week what this swandy pulp is and what it needs to be fed. Then his friend asked me the same thing, and why this swandupule suddenly needed my husband so much.
Don’t melt your socks in the sea, Greenpeace will spray you! I warned him at the beginning of the fourth month, asleep on the couch. I could never convince her that it was not a deliberate, disgusting insult under the pretext of sleep.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna