— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had a friend, a good guy. He himself was a villager and came somehow to us in town to arrange for work.
I went to one of the offices and did not get it. The second, the third, they don’t want to take it anywhere. This is the last place where he can try his luck.
There is an interview. The standard questions. And by the end of the interview, the director decides that they don’t need this guy. He said "I’m sorry! We don’t need you!" And this guy, all upset, stands up from the chair, simultaneously picking up a cell phone and with the words "Well, it’s all! Baby!", he starts calling his mother to say, “Sorry mom!” They don’t want to take anywhere. I go back to the village." This director apparently thought that "the child" was addressed to him (maybe the experience was bitter, I don’t know) and stopped him with the words: "Well, stop! Wait to! All are cool. With connections...Can you start tomorrow?"
That’s how this guy got into a bad company.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna