— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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That was the time when I was still in kindergarten.

And when my parents and I were at my grandmother’s house, and every time I went to the toilet, the grandmother stood up near the toilet door and began to pronounce “writing-writing” and so on until the end of my urination and when I went out, she asked, “Well, what’s okay with writing?”

My father saw it and tried to tell my grandmother that I was grown up enough and could go to the toilet without the support of my grandmother.

But of course, my grandmother didn’t get to it and she continued to do it.

And once again sitting with my grandmother, my father again sees this picture of a "writing" grandmother standing at the door and says nothing to her, and I was surprised.

But he was silent, he waited until his grandmother went to the toilet, stood up at the door and began to say, "writing-writing-writing", and so until the grandmother came out of the toilet. Grandma comes out of the bathroom with an expression of her face, which I can never express in words, but I will never forget.

And the father with an absolutely serious expression of the face says, "Well, that's normal."

In this way he quickly learnt her to do "writing".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna