— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone with a flag without a row for beer was missed, and in Kamchatka "Speed", with a flash, was not missed to the dying!
I immediately say that neither in this nor in another case I see anything funny or even fun, I just remembered one life story.
In 2004 on duty service was in the same car with the SOBR, two bold extortionists were detained. The process of detention is such - the patient is charged with a listening apparatus and under the strict patronage of the operas, he goes to a meeting, where he must transfer money to the raptors. Think of fishing. But in life, not always everything goes according to the scenario of the fisherman, so was it then. The criminals sharply changed the meeting place, suffered, as a rule, the face willless and cowardly, plunged behind them like a lamb to slaughter, contrary to all our scenarios. Consequently, we need to change the dislocation and very sharply. Sobrovsky UAZik disguised as an ambulance, only without a flashlight. We fly into the snowy yard, we meet the autoladies on a minicupper - do not leave, and we take the ass to give away 60 meters of 5 meters. She drove her machete, type, miss it urgently. The girl breeds her hands, the kind of shit, you need to give up. The commander of the SOBRA on the front seat, shows her on the drive and the AKSU (automatic cortoys, "Ksyusha" by SOBROVSKI), said a service necessity, the lady in response raises the middle finger. The situation is fucking, there is somewhere under the knives standing, and here the glamorous cheek is worn out. From the "ambulance" eight SOBROVs run out in black masks, very quickly bypass the machine from all sides, pick up and put in a swarm, a little curved, well, but to pass. And we pass. I remembered the girl's face - "I was offended, you all fuck"

Tolerance was saved, scammers were bound, I never met this girl again, I hope she realized everything right...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna