— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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People, what makes you buy a place next to the one you already have, when the rest are free? How many times has it been: I come to the semi-empty hall, I choose the central row and a chair in the middle, other people are sitting far from me. And almost always someone comes and sits next to me.

We asked – we answered. Everyone wants a place in the middle and a place in the middle. It has the best view and sound. Who is looking at the screen from the bottom or from the side? But suddenly it’s busy with you. Not a trouble. On one side, there is almost no difference. But in 2-3 years, it needs to look like this. Keep the eye constantly. The stereo effect is broken.

Choose an extreme place for yourself, as you don’t like sitting next to someone in a public place. The cinema is not a place where you can relax next to a stranger. They come to the cinema to watch the movie. The point.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna