— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XHH: About how differently you can describe the same news.
Komsomolskaya truth accurately wrote: "An airplane headed to Vietnam made a forced landing in Krasnoyarsk due to the clogging of toilets." Correct and understandable.
And the Federal News Agency, abbreviated as FAN (which is already hinting), described it as a ‘fecal-bite passenger Boeing from Perm’s emergency seat in Krasnoyarsk. It seems the same, but not exactly =)

WOW: There is an old-old fighting of Soviet times about how our representative competed in running with the representative of America. There are many options, and the characters are constantly changing (Brezhev and Bush, Gorbachev and Reagan, etc.).), but the essence remained one: there are competitions in running, only two participants - our and their. They ran first, we ran second. Their newspapers report that they took the first place, our second. Our newspapers write that our took the prize place, and they generally resorted to the last. Both are formally right. Do not read newspapers at lunch. Do not read any.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna