— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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with two children, 5th and 7th grade students, the wife is not needed at home, the children will clean up and prepare to eat

The kids are noisy.
No one is needed to secure the home at all.
My ex-husband lives - a robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, washing machine. The clothes he wears are virtually unnecessary. Nearby somewhere he goes to a decent dining factory for funny money, in the cooking shop he buys ready food home. There are no plates in the apartment at all - a microwave, coffee maker and electric tea. Cabinets in the walls. There is no table in the room, a couch, a chair and a telephone. Noot in the chair lives, or under the couch - dust to wash from nowhere. Even washing the windows twice a year, aunt goes to him for a penny. And you know, he is pleasant and pleasant. And he is happy!
And a glass of water is not concerned - it makes sense to shut down all your life on events of doubtful probability.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna