— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sberbank is Sberbank. My mother decided to give me 2000 for the new year. She did not know how to go to the bank with the computer on you, so as not to suffer. Yes, 2000 was transferred, but not to me, but to her credit card, which she did not use at all (she was sent back a year ago when issuing a salary card). We found it a week later, my mom went to the bank: no, you can't transfer back, even if it's a mistake of the bank itself, you can only buy something with a credit card (cool what!). My mom is very patient, my mom is very patient. and further:
OK, I will buy it. I forgot my password, can I restore it now?
Q: No, we can't restore the credit card password, you need (attention!) Apply for a new credit card, transfer money to it and only then with a new password.

The graffiti with a disabled costume clearly controls something wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna