— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev dreamed of a table of winning lottery numbers. He stood up and recorded it. But there was some fake.
One day, the Lumiere brothers dreamed of a plasma TV with a flat screen of 60 inches, with a high-resolution system, DCI image stabilization technology, and virtual Dolby volume sound.
It is an idea! The Lumiere brothers invented a wooden box with a pen and a pen.
One day, the inventors of Cherepanova came to the premiere of the Lumiere brothers.
It is an idea! The inventors of the skulls.
One day, George W. Bush Jr. dreamed of the solution of the Ferm theorem.
What? George Bush the Younger.
- Excuse me, the mistake came out... - the decision of the Ferm theorem apologized and went to dream to another.
Once Leonardo da Vinci dreamed of a parachute, a tank, a helicopter, a submarine, a machine gun, a rescue circle, an excavator, a microchip, a locomotive, a tractor "Belarus" and a lunar vehicle.
“Daaaa... It’s time to get along with excursions to VDNH,” DaVinci said and made the last stretch.
Once Sigmund Freud dreamed of strawberries, cucumbers, cakes, bananas, which crossed in a variety of poses.
“Well, what a strange dream,” said Freud, “I’ll go and tell Michurin.
Bill Gates dreamed that he wanted to commit suicide.
Farewell to the cruel world! Bill Gates shouted and opened the window.
Are you sure you want to commit suicide? He asked the window.
This is how the Windows operating system appeared.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna