— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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# Spiked

The 2012 year.
I quietly rested in the village, and after another day of work, I went to bed, fell, and cut off.

I woke up early in the morning, from a light wind, got up, and as nothing happened - went to brush my teeth. The shell was in the kitchen, I went in, took the brush, started brushing my teeth...
I looked to the right.

There was no gypsum wall, which was quickly made in order to make it normal in a day or two!

My reaction was about "Yes fuck in the mouth, hate, fuck, cigane!!1!111!"

There was no table. A pen from the toilet door. A piece of salt in the refrigerator.

Two days later, I saw my table, and the gypsum cardboard at the neighbors of the Gypsum.
Through the force and costume of the grandfather to fuck the Gypsies were able to take everything. It was quiet, and after a few weeks they left.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna