— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today in the afternoon I saw a promotional video about diabetes: they say, they do not suffer from diabetes, they live with diabetes, and it is allegedly not a special problem. Advertising is so touching with music. The situation in the community, sympathy and all that.

First thoughts: yes, the right advertising, the noble message. But then you realize that it’s just a very quality attempt to warm everyone up. To begin with, healthy people have nothing to explain that diabetes is embarrassing, since no one observes the persecution of diabetics. Therefore, al-la advertising “spid is not a sentence” is not in place here.

and main

The Ministry of Health has steadily started promoting the policy that diabetes is not a disease, but a lifestyle, and all state aid should be abolished, disability abolished, free medicines abolished. Someone may be able to buy medicines on their own, but the number of people unable to buy them is considerable. So the turn to allergy, asthmatics will come. The prices are small.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna