— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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33 years old, last year bought a 3-room square in the regional center in a sleeping area (if on the outskirts of Moscow it would be enough for 1 room), not a mortgage.
Basic experience 9 years as an engineer-constructor, the first year received 12k, the second 20k, then 25k, the last 3 years received 35k. There were work related to comp, as in studenthood he worked as an enikey, and then as a sysadmin when he received the certificates.

Such sub-workings are concrete, because all the money you earned on the main job (a little more than 2.8 KB) will not be enough for the apartment, because they are on average in the Russian Federation from 3 KB and beyond. It will not even be a three-bedroom. And considering that you had to have something else to eat, somewhere to sleep, something to wear, somewhere to be treated, etc. In these "workings" there should be at least another 3 million. Moreover, storing all this is also a very non-trivial task. So you, softly speaking, don’t agree a lot. Or just whisper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna