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The Golden Unity

The year 2037.
The unit is protected by Microsoft patents, copyright law and the U.S. 6th Space Fleet.
You can buy a toilet for $ 10k, but you can only suck in it. The toilet, in which you can spoil, is sold for $20k and is no different than the unlocked fecal washing function. However, for the convenience of the user, the wash has a pulse of 1.5 seconds. In order for the stool to be guaranteed to be washed, you need to buy the Ultimate version of the toilet for $ 40k, or activate the "Turbo-slive" option for $ 30k.
The toilet must be activated for a single user. There are also public toilets, but they can only be created for educational purposes.
For backward areas of Africa, there is a discount of 50%, but the toilet supports only African asses and cannot be sucked in standing.

The year 2067.
The toilet can no longer be purchased. Instead, a toilet-on-demand service is available, where consumers can get a toilet for just $ 10k a year. You are guaranteed a thoroughly washed toilet not later than 2037 year of release, the fecal washing function you get on the promotion "sri and wash" for a period of 6 months. At the end of the promotional period, the cost of the option is $2k per month.
The Service Provider reserves the right to arbitrarily change the functionality of the toilet. To ensure maximum comfort, the toilet microprogram must be updated at least once a day, otherwise the toilet will be blocked before updating.

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