— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I live in a typical panel house. Hearing is beautiful. The upper neighbor has a busy habit of using the toilet as an office - I don't know, parallel to the main destination or separately. You really enter the room and hear how serious such a voice speaks, how much to buy, who to send on a business trip to the Saratov region... Well, each has his own wonders, of course, although at first it was a bit steep - it seemed that the need was done carefully in the midst of the negotiation.

This miracle of nature once told me to scandalize - to say, I am preventing him from conducting business conversations and discrediting before partners! I had to promise that next time I would hire a peanut and not leave a stone on a stone from his business reputation! I don't know where he's talking now, but I can't hear him in the bathroom.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna