— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The drummer must know and love the entire rhythm section, including even the bass "Ural" ;)
By the way, needed?
The Strike Instrument, Hule
In other words, they just want to hide.
I still have somewhere in the depths of the warehouse. It has remained since school. If it is not a pity of fingers and there is a problem to find an ancient Soviet, Czech or DDR combo, you can even play it. Yank or Civil Defense. It just sounds like you’re trying to play it.
You can take them and fuck them. I think that’s his only purpose.
A good tool, short
The strings, though, I pulled from the violin, and sixteen years ago, but the quality of the sound was not affected. And the fact that in sixteen years the strings were pulled up only twice, too. On the quality of the sound of this wonderful bass can have little effect.
On the other hand, this bass has had a good impact on my musical preferences. Because I ended up trying to get some decent sounds out of it, and I started playing the beat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna