— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In late 2009, Alex Ray Joel (daughter of the famous singer Billy Joel and the singer herself) broke up with a young man. We don’t know anything about the young man’s feelings, but Alex was so distracted that she decided to commit suicide. The singer took 15 pills of anesthetic from the pharmacy box and soon, as she thought, felt bad: sweat on her forehead, her hands began to tremble. Then she was frightened, called 911 and that she wanted to die and swallowed pills. Of course, the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital. The doctors immediately let the patient go home. Unfortunately, the story is silent about what the doctors told Alex and how much effort they had to keep a serious face expression.

Alexey was incredibly lucky: she tried to kill herself with the help of the homeopathic medicine "Traumel". It is not common homeopathy in the sense that there is still a small number of molecules of active substances there. However, the concentration of mercury, belladonna, sulfur liver and other dangerous substances in this drug is not large enough for 15 tablets to produce at least some effect.

Per if the singer took, say, 2000 tablets (which corresponds to 40 full bottles of medicine), then doctors in the laboratory would be able to detect minor deviations from the norm in her blood. The case of Alexa is the only documented example that homeopathy can save lives.

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