— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Are you stupid?

That is, it doesn’t matter what was behind the wrong that caused the punishment.
Even if he did not kill a person by pure accident (look on the network, how many such minor idiots kill random passers), he is still not to blame, but to blame the parent, well...

The child is to blame for his wrongdoing, but not that the idiot parent broke the radio. And to blame a child for his own inability to hold himself in his hands all his life is, as they say now, a sign of a toxic parent, and simply a dictator, a manipulator and an irresponsible aggressive fool.
Example: the cat dropped the vase, the vase broke. You took the TV and threw it into the cat. The TV also broke. And you started crying that this dumb cat broke the TV. According to your logic, the cat is to blame for all the failures. Likewise: there was nothing to wear a short shirt, so that you would not be raped; there was nothing to cross the road, so that you would not be beat and other nonsense.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna