— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The classic mistake of the modern efficient manager is that somewhere subconsciously it seems to him that it is possible to deal with the machine. He doesn’t think about the fact that any KOKOREŠ he buys for the organization of work at the enterprise is an absolute jinn-bookalist, to whom you order a member to the ground – and he pulls off his legs. And here is such a miracle of nature buys a system that is practically suitable. And as all the work is translated into it, it begins to emerge "practically", and the system turns the work into an Italian strike, because it is impossible to negotiate with the machine. And here emerges that item of the contract of the sale of the soul to Mefistopheles, which was written in small letters. The system needs to beined. And for such systems, “support” is not just “so that it doesn’t fall.” It is a fierce, angry, all-eating shit with burning eyes, flying through the corridors of an orphan office. He is always “need to do a dohuya”, he is always “it should have been yesterday” and he is always “without him everything is paralyzed.” And the one who sold this cockerel to the victim, at this point begins to smile very symptomatically and rub the pins.

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