— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the office of a large company, with facilities throughout the city and region, spammers are constantly calling. The acquaintance? They offer frozen meat for our facilities. The supply of household chemicals, the import of confectionery, clothes, bedding. 5 to 6 calls a day. No one talks to them, because all suppliers have been found for a long time, prices are reduced as much as possible, and it is full of changing a proven supplier for some kind of shell, which today is cheaper. Just answered - send your offer to the mail, we will never consider it. Will it ever fit you?

Until Arcadia got to work with us. The wicked wicked. His Jewish soul could not tolerate such waste. He started reading this spam and responding to the providers. Type, we would, of course, work with you, but I'm not sure how - send a sample.

Within a week comes a courier with bags of sausages and sausages. The samples came. Then came the candy. Then they brought water. and free tickets. Some wise powder and shampoo... The process turned. Employees stopped carrying bags from home and started carrying bags home. And Arkady enthusiastically corresponded with companies, explaining that your sausages were dumped, but the sausage was not tried. The process would go on to this day, well enough suppliers in Moscow, but... the girls were striking, they, you see, violated all their diets because of the fact that in the refrigerator a bunch of food is hollow, and spring is ahead. Supply of supplies stopped.

Although... maybe they’re already taking Arcadia straight home, he’s a fat walking out ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna