— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In addition to the main work, at the same time, in the morning I open a common entrance door to the room, where there are several offices, as well as a couple of shopping areas and in the evening, respectively, I close. I usually come to work half an hour earlier so I don’t have to wait in the street.

I came yesterday morning, I sit down, I drink tea, time goes by, but there is no one – silence. He went out into the common corridor, bypassed everything, nobody at all. Strange, I think why suddenly everybody is late, and the time is already ten minutes, like work...

I turned back to myself, stuck in the monitor, I sit, read, suddenly call the cell phone, answer, and I hear a rather unexpected question:

“Did you not shrink, Fyodor Efimovich? After this question, I really got a little shrunk!

“What happened and why are you talking to me like this? "I asked an outraged girl, Marina, an employee of one of the departments. The girl with a sparkling intonation continued:

"Why are you still not at work, we are all standing here on the street, waiting for you! Where are you at all? »

I looked around, in any case, suddenly... and as soon as I was convinced that I was still at work, I calmly replied:

“I’m at work, but why are you standing there I don’t know, or do you need to open the door to get in? On that side was a five-second pause, then a screw of the door and a guilty voice from the tube:

“Oh sorry, Fyodor Efimovich...”

Later I learned that Marina came the first, after me, of course, and did not bother to knock the door, for some reason decided that I was not yet, and convinced all the newcomers of this, then I was really squeezed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna