— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I decided to entertain my grandfather and read him the best history today (14 March) with, and then asked, "Tell me what the best wine you have drunk?" He replied, “I don’t remember, but here’s the best dinner and the best tea I’ve ever remembered.”
Further from his words.
At the end of January 1944, I was discharged from the hospital. Well you know, I was lying in Sverdlovsk after the injury. I was naturally sent to the formation, but I asked what my parents would give me to visit, and gave me a couple of days. They lived about 250 km from Sverdlovsk, near the station Lopatkovo, in the evacuation. One of the sisters studied as a doctor in Sverdlovsk, and the other sisters and parents studied there. His father worked as a carpenter, there was a workshop at the colloquium, they made sanes and skies for the front. Work was hard, and earned very little, but did not complain.
My parents didn’t tell me I would come. How to warn about it? I bought gifts at the market, t-shirts for my sisters and mother, and a hat for my father. And on the train arrived, well from Sverdlovsk the train went to spend the day with them.
He came and was terrified. A hole, one room, the ceiling with your head, they are there all four. All encouraged, clothes - pay on pay, cold (wood saved). And the main food is almost no, only a few potatoes, a little grain, and half a bowl of bread. The card was hardly enough for food. And why would I buy these clothes, better if I bought bread?
I say, "I am sending you as 40% of the salary (no more then)? And they say to me, “So you buy them, you know what the prices are. You send about 400 rubles, this is the cost of a bowl of bread on the market. And all we send your sister to Sverdlovsk, she is a student, she needs it."
My father does not find a place. The carpenter, the farm all his life led, and here even the son who was discharged from the hospital to feed nothing. I see my father going, “Where are you?” “I will come back now.” He did not return immediately, but in an hour, but he was happy.
He says I went to the Chairman of the Cologne. He said, “Likewise, the son-ordeno-bearer came from the front, from the hospital. What will I put on the table to feed?” The chairman cried out and wrote me up to 3 kilos of beets (sugar beets).
My mother shone. The soup was cooked, well, and we had half-cake bread. What a delicious dinner it was. And then the tea was drunk almost all night, beans instead of sugar, they were sweet. And most importantly with the family together, half-day and all night, under the same roof. With mom, dad, and sisters. What a kind of happiness. As if there is no war.
In the morning I left. Mother said, “You will come back.” And I promised, “I’ll come back,” he said. He returned and kept his promise. I actually saw them again only at the end of 1946.
Here's how many dinners I've eaten since then, how many teas I've drank, and there's never been more delicious. “You say wine.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna