— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hmmm Here, over the years of traveling in electric cars, first to the universe, then to work, I brought out my way of protecting myself from stumbling. If the guy/man who addressed me falls under my personal definition of cloud, then I use it. The headphones. Here you go to yourself so beautiful, you do not touch anyone, and here something rolls to you and starts to rub something on you. You, lustfully smiling at him, clearly remove your headphones and, continuing to smile, loudly apologize for listening to the Castle, Kafka’s unfinished work, and for not hearing what you were told. And extremely polite, and most importantly, loudly, ask to repeat. For all the times not washed only those who asked how far to such a station. Yes, and only one then asked why I was talking about Kafka. Hearing the explanation, I smiled slightly, and we gently talked all the way. The rest burst into something unclear like "nothing" and left. Yes, I understand, I look strange at the same time, but if I’m not interested in dating in public transport, then some inadequacy is the best protection.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna