— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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soon to be blessed. On this day, people traditionally release birds from their cages. For birds, this human tradition is a real disaster.
People know that by buying a bird, they kill a lot of other birds that will be caught for sale again. Because when the birds are captured and overstretched, many of them are killed and killed. And when birds are caught in the early spring, almost all of them are weakened by long flight or harsh conditions of snow winter. Stress when catching itself is very dangerous, it greatly weakens immunity, leads to disorientation and slowing down reactions, and the "lucky" released will most likely become sick or become a predator's prey in the first few days.
You can not release those birds that stayed in cages in the winter. To return to nature, they need special training, long-term rehabilitation, they need to re-learn to find food in natural conditions and avoid dangers.
People come to the markets in cars. The luggage compartments are filled with cages in which unhappy birds beat. The cars are standing aside, filling the cages of the merchants. There are hundreds, thousands of birds sold on this day. And how many dead birds are left lying in the snow, thrown out by barks? What is the life of this little creature? A hundred rubles.
How to fight this trouble?
The most important thing is not to buy birds. Do not support murderers. To explain to people that in fact the tradition of releasing birds for birds in the spring is devastating!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna