— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He was lying in the resuscitation department after a stroke... A man – “fresh” – just suffered a stroke, lay down and was sent to us. He entered the corner chamber, sat down, left the chamber and... lost himself. He went out into the corridor and began to wander through the department. I entered the women’s room. For two minutes he stood on the threshold of the eyes on the lying women, and those in turn looked at him. Then he suddenly asked the nurse there:

Where is the guide? ! to

Caregiver (natural woman Larisa with a sense of humor, and in the future "caregiver"):

I am for her! What did you want?

When are we leaving? We all stand and stand.

Man, where are you standing?

In the Blessing! The train is still standing.

What is your coupe?

At the end of the corridor!

- So you go in the couch, go to bed, or the train will hit, and you will stay on the perron.

thank you! I was running! ... →

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna