— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Probably many of you have heard about the "life hack", it is said that to clean the steam or evaporator, you can pour water with citric acid inside.
Yes, yes – it can be. It really helps. The dirt evaporates excessively!


For some reason, those who talk about this "lifhack" forget to warn that inhaling this same steam is an extremely bad idea!

In short, I cleaned my mom’s stove two hours ago, while I was sitting with her in guests with the children. As a result, the entire apartment in a single pair. I have a chemical lung burn (diagnosed by a doctor with forty years of experience, according to my father) not fatal, of course, but extremely unpleasant. An hour of coughing before vomiting and bitter bitterness in the throat until now.

Be careful, and all good cats!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna