— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A young woman with a small salary began to work.
And suddenly the accountant resolutely issues:
Salary is good, but it is good for women.
Everything accordingly.
No comments.
Even cosmetics for women is a much more expensive item than for men.
Let us go further...
So what logic does a woman need less money?

WOW: Understand your young brain: all you need. Forget about that. The last time you were asked what and how much you needed were your parents and relatives. Everyone else is damned. You get paid as much as you agree. It’s not about who you are, girl or guy. The question is how much you can ask and how much you can claim. Agree on a hundred rubles - one hundred rubles nobody will pay you. You claim a million bucks - dare. The more you ask, the more you will be asked. But only because "you need" - no one will give too much.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna