— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Now a lot of series for any taste and color, there are fantasy, about zombies and youth, detective genre, psychology, history and it's good that there is a rich choice, and yet, you want to see the series about "1C". 1C is a service office in which several programmers work and one of them is the great God, one is the timetable, and the others are in an adequate, girl-manager, management and clients. As in any good and not very series should be a service novel, without it even "Doctor House" did not do, and life itself proves their consistency. Abortions, shameful dismissals, corporate parties with tears. The problem with 1C is fundamental. And you can see the picture, as the chief specialist solves them with the famous saying "and it wasn't in the bobin." The most dramatic moment in the series looks like this:
The database cannot be restored, do you have a copy?
– No...
And all, here the client loses consciousness, sits in front of his eyes, falls faint.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna