— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from ZH:

All with Easter. People’s Day of Eggs. It was always celebrated before. And the words "Christ has risen" - this is such a people's bite was before knocking various colored eggs.
But these days it is no longer just a folk holiday, it is also an annual show, which is arranged by debils. Full of debil planes fly, knowing where to get what you can get sitting, at home, whistling a light bulb. And they also boast of the fools they are, putting their reports on the net. And this even on television shows the fools under enthusiastic comments of the fools.
No, I don’t call all those who believe in some gods fools. For me, believers are just strange people in varying degrees. I call fools those believers who, out of their own faith, make a foolish show.
Then they have candles burning themselves, then the busts begin to produce liters of oil. They make fun of themselves, and then, offended, they complain that they are laughed at them and their sensitive feelings of fools are offended.
They themselves need, the entire delegation headed by the chief fire carrier from the lighter from Jerusalem to Moscow Yakunin, to be held accountable for insulting the feelings of believers, turning Christianity into a show of fools.

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