— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
XX: What is there and how?
Trombosis in the leg. Afternoon check-up after the injection.
I always knew he was a cyborg :)
Why a cyborg?
xxx: And you saw how he looks at people :) I need to check - maybe there is a new firmware, some new capabilities added :)
Zzz : Yes. Sometimes there is such. And the bag when it comes to the refrigerator hangs and does not stop until everything is eaten.)))
xxx: This vulnerability has already been remedied in the latest updates. Someone actually invented a coat. That is, he still approaches the refrigerator, opens it and despite the fact that there is plenty of food, declares "nothing to wear" and leaves.
Why “to wear” and not “to eat” is also unclear.
XXX: I think there was another bug.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna