— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stand on the light, a long red light burns, I scream, once again promising myself that I will go to bed as soon as I come home from work. On the left, the car approaches and stops on the same level as mine at a fairly close distance. I turn my head and see a six-year-old sitting in a child’s seat on the front passenger seat and looking at me with an unusually serious look.

After a couple of seconds, he slowly takes his children’s sunglasses and wears them without taking his gaze away from me. I, trying not to roast, also take my glasses and put on, looking closely into his eyes. The little boy begins to stumble.

Likewise, looking straight at the boy, I lower the glass and stretch out a small “Bounti.” Daddy drops his glass and he, slightly inclined, takes a candy. Then he turns around, takes an apple from his father and extends it to me. I silently take it and we almost synchronously raise the glass. I try hard not to get rid of it, nor even to smile.

It is green, and we move away: I am to the right, they are straight.
The mood raised for the whole day thanks to a little serious guy))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna