— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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10-15 years ago, I went with my wife on a train from Kiev to Moscow.
I drank a little (a liter of peppermint) for full sleep and snoring on the upper shelf.
Then the words of my wife.

The border at night. A girl in the pursuit comes in, she checks the documents, my wife gives her my passport, the girl says, wake him up (this is about me!) is
A woman who knows me for 20 years longer than a girl in the pursuit says, “Wake up yourself, you’ll get to Moscow.”
The girl smiles and with a command voice (looking into my passport) gives out "............of Dmitry Evgenievich!"
I suddenly sit on the shelf, almost breaking the third shelf with my head, answering "I!"
She said, “Look at me!”
I said, “There is!“”
The girl is to the wife: so, learn.
My wife is a girl: Awaken....

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna