— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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/Children will help not kill the eyes with tablets and readers, mil-man/bla-bla

No, do not get away from the topic. Tell us how the purchase of the re-release of a book, which in the 80s and 65s was an ordinary book on paper slightly better than a newspaper, with offset printing, black and white illustrations and the most ordinary price, and now broken down into two large, on painted paper, with the apseil of the same pictures, but twice the thinner and the total price approaching the carpenter, will help the writer to write even more masterpieces, especially when at the time of re-release he is dead 12 years. Soviet children's books were paid to the authors in Soviet times at the prices of the time, but the prices are sharply higher than for a bunch of adult literature written by living authors, and from what intersection now you need to feed the publisher for the printing of copepast with black iceberg, I don't really understand. Publishers chorned, books filled with paper rubbish on completely horse prices, and electronic books have become a logical alternative for those who do not want to contain a hord of parasites.About damaging the eye with a tablet is quite funny, that is, as long as the student is watching the phone and tablet all day sitting on the sites, everything is normal, but it is worth to start reading, and immediately the doll urgently need a book with fonts like "for the smallest", not the glasses will leak.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna